Thursday, May 7, 2009

Almost Swine Flu...

The VP Finance of our company spent a week on holiday in... wait for it... glorious Cancun Mexico. He came back about two weeks ago and then developed flu-like symptoms - after spending five days in the office touching files, the coffee pot, shaking hands etc. I spent a week avoiding him like the plague. Yes, VP Finances are insane workaholics who, in spite of fever, nausea and aches, spend 18 hours a day infecting the office with their presence. Finally, enough of my co-workers bullied him into going to the hospital to get tested. Turns out he's clear (I'm still doubtful.) One of my favourite bloggers Lawrence Nyveen thought he may have contracted swine flu on a visit to Texas in late April...I don't know what's worse having the overblown bug or the tests to find out. After reading about his experience I think I have an idea.


  1. For the record, I never thought I had swine flu.

  2. No swine flu in our Colman Pacific coast family. However, I'v e got everything else in my too old age to bug me. My blog grows and grows and where it stops nobody knows.
