Saturday, January 16, 2021

A Nation At War

I keep promising myself not to post any more about trump. I know that I can't promise I will never post again about the miserable, destructive legacy of his time in office. But I can promise that this will be my last post during his presidency, which thankfully comes to an end this coming Wednesday at noon. This morning we woke up to a scene in Washington DC that has not happened in more than 150 years. A city patrolled by armed military personnel twenty-five thousand strong. Fencing, barriers with barbed wire and checkpoints dividing the city into red zones and green zones, you'd think you were in war-torn Baghdad. There are in fact five times more US troops today stationed in Washington DC than in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria combined. Last evening a Virginia man was apprehended, a would-be assassin carrying a loaded handgun and packed with 500 rounds of ammunition and a fake inauguration pass trying to cross a DC police checkpoint. What does all of this signify in the final days of the trump presidency? The nation is indeed at war, at war with itself. The military fortification of the capital exemplifies how beaten and weak four years of trump has left the nation.

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