Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Billionaires in Space


They can't wait to leave behind 

the boredom of high-priced cars, 150-foot yachts, 

and palatial estates with tennis courts 

and private golf courses -

sooo yesterday.

To keep up with the Jones's

billionaires nowadays, head to outer space,

exit the planet on phallic rockets 

(one called Virgin for heaven's sake)

'cause this crowded sphere can no longer contain

their magnificent cosmic egos -

one small step for a man

one giant leap for hubris

at Mach speeds.

When they cross the Karman line, 

break free of the earthbound force 

holding you and me here,

they will look down at us

(which is actually the point)

through an atmospheric haze,

unstrap themselves from their capsule seats 

and float upside down

giddy as kindergarten children 

flouting the class rules.

After a few minutes, parachutes deployed,

they will land safely

in the desert

and hold a press conference

on the spot. 

They will thank the hyper-educated folks 

who made it possible, say that today 

they realized a childhood dream, tout

the future of space travel for everyone,

and declare they've been changed personally 


while the rest of us ponder

what if anything 

has been learned. 

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