Monday, September 19, 2022

Man of Steel


It was like kryptonite

when they said

this is what you need 

to know to succeed:

Algebra and trigonometry, 

force equals mass times acceleration,

how to spell 'committee'

and conjugate past-imperfect,

Wolfe versus Montcalm,

and who won the war of 1812,

did everything they could

to press the crap 

into my half-formed brain.

But it was futile,

another disappointing report card

and I stopped caring

felt the strength drain from my body

my superpower leaving me

said goodbye to leaping tall buildings

bullets bouncing off my chest

and could feel my X-ray vision 

begin to dim

went from seeing through walls 

to hardly seeing anyone 

or anything at all,

these days I can't save a soul from trouble

if you paid me. The world's on fire

and here I sit

a man of steel

in my ice-cold

fortress of solitude

incapable of giving a damn.


Ken Stollon said...

We start out as superheroes with superstrength ... and it gets sapped from us as soon as we step foot in school! And then as we enter the job pool, the corporate world, it doesn't get any better. It is a sad reality that our school system and society are breeding grounds for apathy. What's the solution though? What does Superman do after he's been overexposed to kryptonite? How does he regain his Superman qualities? Might there be a more optimistic and empowering sequel to this poem?

B. Glen Rotchin said...

Maybe reading (or writing) more poetry?

Anonymous said...

The antidote!