Saturday, December 31, 2022

I need to go away sometimes


I need to go away sometimes

not too far 

but just far enough


from you

and the others

the ones I love 

and the ones I don’t even like

sometimes you feel too close

so I need to go away

and where I am going

doesn't matter 

as long as it's not here

because here 

is a room

with a filing cabinet

where I put my papers

in drawers, my records,

the paid bills and receipts,

the certificates and policies,

proofs of purchase,

here my name is stamped

and sometimes what I don't want

is to see my name -

where I need to go

is somewhere


where I can fold 

into the contoured landscape 

as formless colour

from a desert sun 

where I can heat  

radiant sand 

or melt snow

and isn't that what love is 

another word for returning home

like chlorophyll

making flowers flower

making ant food, snake food

eyelids opening like petals

seeing again

for the first time

longing no more 

for a place 

of your own


you belong.


  1. This poem is like a jazz composition. It starts off slowly, repetitively, I think even deliberately boringly, on a theme, and then revs up, and suddenly it explodes into improvisation. It's like vacation mode has kicked in, and all the mundanity of filing cabinets and papers is left behind and replaced with an "unmapped" landscape, where all kinds of crazy shit is going on! Suddenly there is energy(in the form of heat) and "radiant sand" and melting snow. Suddenly there is love. And suddenly there is imagination and Nature and creativity and revelation: "like chlorophyll making flowers flower making ant food, snake food eyelids opening like petals seeing again for the first time". Whew, it's breathtaking! Nicely done, bro!

    1. Wow! What I said about you writing the introduction to my (unlikely) poetry book… I can always depend on you to let me in on what I’m writing about. Thank you can’t be repeated enough.
