Saturday, July 1, 2023

E Pluribus Unum


While you are waiting

for something to happen

life happens


the plane's been delayed

again, and there you are 

powerless as a mob of zombies 

gawking up

at the big sign suspended

between arrivals and departures

no answers

some of you even holding flowers 

bouquets of roses and lilies 

dying by the minute

celebrations on-hold

you look around 

and suddenly 

snap out of it


nothing matters

and everything matters

at the same time 

like a heads/tails currency 

you've been pocketing 

your whole life 

it all makes sense now

like coinage you can spend

on anything

stamped with

E Pluribus Unum.


  1. Not sure I get this one.

    If it's about delayed or cancelled flights over the holiday weekend, I can definitely relate! I had endured several myself.

    But I'm not sure where the coin fits into the equation.

    Also, I may be wrong, but I think it's pronounced "YOU-num" (like in the word "unity").

    1. Well. Yeah it’s about waiting for something to happen. Beyond our control. Arrivals and departures, like life. We come we go. And in between we’ve got to decide if it means anything at all. Because we’re all kind of suspended between arrival and departure (living and dead, like zombies). And then suddenly this irreconcilable thing that is both significant and insignificant, completely contradictory, like arrival and departure, might make sense, it’s two sides of the same coin, a sort of coin toss at any moment, heads it’s significant, tails it ain’t, and you can live with being in between, out of many (opposites) one. Reconciliation. You are both arrival and departure.
