Saturday, August 12, 2023

The Singer Sang His Song


They took him from his mother 

The singer sang his song

They took him from his land

The singer sang his song

They beat him with a stick

The singer sang his song

They made him beg for coins

The singer sang his song

The singer sang his song

He sang it all day long

Until the sun was gone

With others and alone 

They made him pick the fruit

The singer sang his song

They sent him to the mines

The singer sang his song

They made him work machines

The singer sang his song

They gave him scraps to eat

The singer sang his song

The singer sang his song

He sang it all day long

Until the sun was gone

With others and alone 

They put him in the street

The singer sang his song

They told him he was hired

The singer sang his song

They gave him guns to fire

The singer sang his song

They told him when to fire

The singer sang his song

The singer sang his song

He sang it all day long

Until the sun was gone

With others and alone.


  1. This is definitely my favorite of all your songs! I love every aspect of it. The guitar lick in the intro that comes back again at the outro. The catchy melody (broken up nicely with a refrain). And the lyrics ... man, you've captured all the societal crap that people have suffered from ... from slavery, to working in the factories and the mines, to following orders in the army .. .and through it all, the "singer sang his song". It's like you've tapped into the origin of the blues with the lyrics, and ironically made it a kind of happy song instead a blues song! It's terrific!

    1. I’m delighted (and more than a little surprised) that you like this one Kelp. I wasn’t too happy with it myself. Maybe it’s true what they say about creators being the worst judge of their own work. As usual you catch the spirit exactly. But I wasn’t happy with the performance. Especially the vocals. Thinking of redoing them.
