Saturday, March 23, 2024

Bank Balance Number


Don't know where it comes from,

The money just shows up,

Like a kid who rings the bell,

That I forgot about.

Stocks that I once purchased,

Mutual fund dividends,

All sorts of investments,

That I will never spend. 

My bank balance number,

Always seems to grow, 

My financial advisor loves,

The size of my portfolio.

I got more money,

Than I could ever blow,

Doesn't need much tending, 

Like weeds it seems to grow.

Sometimes I ask myself,

How far I should go,

To keep my money safe,

From all you average joes.

They all want to take some,

Convince me just to give it,

But it's my money, all mine,

And they can just forget it.

I got more money,

Than I could ever blow,

I'm just gonna keep it,

And watch it grow.

My bank balance number,

Always seems to grow, 

My financial advisor loves,

The size of my portfolio.


Ken Stollon said...

This is just hilarious! I love it! I wished I'd written it!

Glen said...

Best possible compliment. Thank you!