Sunday, December 22, 2024

Mama Done


Mama done wash all the clothes for us, (x 2)

Mama done wash the clothes to please us,

Then she'll praise the Lord Jesus, 

Mama done wash all the clothes for us.

Mama done cook all the meals for us, (x2)

Mama done cook the meals to please us,

Then she'll praise the Lord Jesus, 

Mama done cool all the meals clothes for us.

Mama done mend all the clothes for us, (x2)

Mama done mend the clothes to please us,

Then she'll praise the Lord Jesus, 

Mama done mend all the clothes for us.

Mama done sweep all the floors for us, (x2)

Mama done sweep the floors to please us,

Then she'll praise the Lord Jesus, 

Mama done sweep all the floors for us.

Mama done dust all the shelves for us, (x2)

Mama done dust the shelves to please us,

Then she'll praise the Lord Jesus, 

Mama done dust all the shelves for us.

Mama done work all the fields for us, (x2)

Mama done work the fields to please us,

Then she'll praise the Lord Jesus, 

Mama done work all the fields for us.


Ken Stollon said...

You obviously love playing and singing the blues ... and you do them both with a great deal of credibility. You've got to get yourself to a recording studio, get these blues songs mixed professionally, and put together an album of some kind. You'll have captured your talent in a more enduring fashion, and, believe me, you'll have a blast doing it! Think about it as a New Year's resolution. There are still recording studios out there, and it's not that expensive to book some time in one.

B. Glen Rotchin said...

You're the second person this week who made that suggestion to me. Maybe I should take it seriously.