Thursday, April 18, 2019

For Tamar

Life is art
Art is freedom
Freedom is a flower
That has no reason
Reason is a stone
A stone is a bird
A bird is a notion
Put into words
A word is a spider
A spider is a blessing
A blessing is a costume
Sewn out of guessing
A guess is a candle
A candle is a boat
A boat is a god
Worn like a coat
A coat is a clock
A clock is a game
A game is a house
Built out of names
A name is a wound
A wound is a dance
A dance is a siren
Set off by chance
Chance is an ocean
An ocean is a war
A war is a woman
Opening a drawer
A drawer is silence
Silence is a star
A star is a poem
Composed for Tamar.