Monday, December 3, 2007

Montreal this morning, 30 cms and counting


This offering of
heaven grounded
the mind is
for a moment
to roam an expanse of land,
envision a span of lake
like a lush carpet of light
and then thoughts
get folded
neatly as bed linen
into the mundane,
bus schedules,
school closings,
the streets shimmering
linoleum white
and in every quarter
amid the perk-perk-drip
of coffee pots
and swish-hum
of dishwashers
there is kitchen-talk,
some time needed
some extra time
for another phone call
from neighbours
searching for new
and amusing ways
to describe deluge,
a fresh outpouring
unlike any
in recent memory,
a double dose of milk
in the morning coffee.

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