Tuesday, July 26, 2022

My Question For God


In an uncertain world

created to be that way

by which I mean with options

ie. the blessing and the curse -

because let's face it

every war ever fought

was a choice,

9/11 was a choice,

so was the Holocaust

so was the pandemic

so is climate change -

there is one thing

of which I am certain :

If you ever did appear

and I mean obviously




(I'm trying to imagine

what that might look like

in an age of smartphones

and virtual reality

a burning bush

wouldn't hack it)

some would probably accept 

it was really you, the Creator, 

the Almighty, the Ineffable,

but most would just shrug

and dismiss you and your followers

as another wacky internet 

Q-Anon-like cult,

but don't get me wrong

I have nothing personal

against god, it's just

the way things here 

have been set up

a lot of us are by now 

sort of addicted to freedom 

and honestly if you had to choose 

between a life of questions 

and having all the answers

between change and permanence

between determined defiance 

and robotic obedience

who in their right mind

would choose the latter?

1 comment:

Ken Stollon said...

As your friend and brother poet, I will confess that I have had similar questions and doubts.

As your Rabbi, I think we need to talk ...